Our Message: Many things in this world are not perfect. There are too many good causes to count and problems can often seem overwhelming. But behind every major problem there are a million individual stories - real people who have been left behind the relative health, wealth and comfort that we enjoy. With the World Neighborhood Fund (WNF), we know we aren’t going to solve the world’s problems, but we can try to pick up a few people along the way. We aren’t going to make the AIDS tragedy in Africa go away or clear all the landmines that have been planted in decades past. But if we can help 10 or 20 children to grow up, have an education, and look forward to a productive and healthy life, then we’ve done something wonderful. WNF was formed by a small group of dedicated volunteers who’ve traveled a lot and have seen first-hand some of the desperation that people live (and die) in. We have felt saddened at the plight of many people around the world and grateful for our own relative abundance. Finally, we’ve decided to try to do something about it. We believe that many people share our concern and would love to help, but are just too busy to research the issues and organizations working to help. Or money’s too tight to think about giving right now. Or there are so many choices that you don’t know where to start. So we’ve created a site that focuses on just a few causes that touch us in some way. We want to create an easy way for concerned people to learn about some of the struggles others are facing and some of the efforts to help them, and easy ways to help out. You can read about these issues and charitable efforts on our website or by subscribing to our newsletter. And, if you’re interested in helping, there are simple things you can do that make a big difference.
How can you help? Second, when shopping online come to our site first. By clicking from our shop-to-give page to your online store you are earning commissions on each of your purchases that go directly to our spotlighted cause. There is no extra cost to you, you don't form an account with us or sign in, ever. It's quick, anonymous, and efficient, and 100% of the collected commissions will be going to help people around the world. Third, if you’re interested in helping even more, you can give direct donations to us or directly to the causes that we’ve researched. People don't realize just how little it takes to make a life-changing difference. For instance, a project that caught my attention was the Rasuwa Clinic in Nepal, founded with a $5000 initial investment and a daily budget of just $15, and providing health care to thousands in a valley that had nothing. How can we afford not to help? The charities we support all focus on direct person-to-person aid. They are working with little funding for sustainable solutions in some of the world's poorest places. They don't often find a big audience, and we hope to bring some very worthwhile causes to people's attention. By supporting WNF, you are supporting them. We cover our own administrative costs and we staff on an entirely volunteer basis. By keeping overhead costs extremely low, we are able to pass on 100% of commissions and received donations to our causes. If you like what we’re doing, please use the site for searches and shopping, and pass it along to your friends! We would also love to hear from you with ideas and support. |
Purpose: The purpose of the World Neighborhood Fund is three-fold: World Neighborhood Fund supports a variety of small humanitarian projects around the world. The highlighted projects are chosen in accordance with the principles set forth in our mission statement and the guidelines adopted by our board of directors. WNF receives income through Google searches, online shopping commissions, and direct donations. All commissions received are sent directly to the projects we support. We cover all of our own administrative costs. In this way we hope to provide a convenient, concise forum for people to learn about some of the survival challenges that others face around the world. We hope to spread the word about life-changing work being done by small, dedicated non-profits, and we hope to provide an easy way for people to contribute to these organizations. |
Mission Statement: We believe that all people have the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of themselves and their families. We are therefore committed to raising awareness of and funds for ongoing, sustainable efforts to meet the basic human needs of the world's citizens; including food, water, clothing, housing, medical care, and social services. |
Our Founders:
Volunteers: We would also like to thank our volunteers for their generous time and help: Michelle Willix and Katherine Pittner (project managers), and Tory Jones (design - www.toryj.com). |
Financials: 100% of commissions earned are passed on to non-profit organizations. |
World Neighborhood Fund |